Waterway Project in Kochi (India) of ANTEA GROUP NETHERLANDS AND INDIA
Kochi, situated on the south west coast of India, is among the first 20 cities selected under the Indian Government ‘Smart Cities Mission’. This program aims to rejuvenate the prevailing urban ecosystem. As part of it, the Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) issued a tender regarding the urban canal renovation and water transport project which the consortium built by Antea Group Netherlands and Antea Group India won end of 2019. The project entails making five major canals in Kochi navigable through restructuring. Antea Group will prepare the concept and the detailed design, and provide supervision services for the project. In Kochi only 20% of waterways are used for navigation. The rest are used as drainage canals. Kochi is facing severe waterlogging and to some extent this is due to the poor maintenance of canals. The five major canals, which cover a total length of 34 kilometers, will be cleaned by setting up independent sewage treatment plants and disposal systems; curbing sewage outfalls and solid waste dumping; reducing the risk of flooding; and retaining and replenishing water by ensuring its smooth flow. At the same time, accessibility will be enhanced by making canals navigable, improving connectivity and promoting cross-connectivity by turning the navigable routes into a feeder service to the existing road, metro and water metro public transport systems.
Total revenues for Antea Group: 2,000,000 euros
Contact: Wim Kloezen, Richard Smallegange (Antea Group Netherlands), Vikram Bapat, Krishna Gupta (Antea Group India)